Tuesday, February 05, 2008

And we JUST got rid of the last snow!

We just got rid of the lion's share of the last snow we had...IN DECEMBER...and lo and behold today we got walloped again. sigh. I mean, come on, Saturday was Groundhog day and a few weeks ago temperatures were in the 60's! YES! I am ready for spring. This snow is total craziness I tell ya! School is going to be released in 15 minutes and the snow removal guys are outside, as I write this, frantically trying to remove snow from the sidewalks for kids. Nice. Too bad they didn't do that this morning when I had to trudge through 2 foot snow drifts. Oh...and it's just gotten worse throughout the day. Snow has not stopped falling, literally, all day long.

The weather in Nebraska never ceases to amaze me.

I know, I know...wait a few days and I will be complaining about being in the throws of summer.

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