Friday, May 16, 2008

Random Thoughts

I feel completely overwhelmed and completely random at the same time. Why? Because school gets out in 2 1/2 days (That's school days ya'll, not real days). Next wednesday our school releases at 1:30 for summer break. Like I said last year, it's somewhat bittersweet. I want so much for my students and pray that life treats them well. They will move on to middle school and I will move on to another expecting group of 10 and 11 year olds. I have a list 2, 354 miles long of things to get done, but most of it has to wait until 11 year old bodies have vacated the premises.

What am I doing with my summer? Well...we are growing a garden again this year at ma and pa's and then I plan to putter. Yes, I said putter around my home. I plan to watch my favorite TV shows, I plan to water and mow the lawn when needed. I hope to babysit my beautiful niece as much as her mom and dad want me to. Other than that...I plan to rest. Recover really.

We are MORE than ready to plant the garden this year, but mother nature does not want to cooperate with us. We had a frost just this last week. I am still scared to place young plants into the earth because I don't want them to freeze. I have enough trouble keeping plants alive without frost taking them before I have a chance to mess 'em up.

What are your summer plans?

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Seriously, 2.5 school days??? Obviously you must start school before the State Fair is over. We've got 8.5 days to go.

This summer I'm hoping to get a few things organized around the house ( routines.), enjoy my girl, and, hopefully, welcome McBaby home!