Saturday, June 02, 2007

And the Doctor Says...?

As you know, it has been a little quiet around here lately due to that fact that I just haven't felt well. I told you it started with a runny nose, cough, and sore throat, remember? Well, I kept hoping and praying that it would go away and I have been medicating myself to try and control it, but last night was the final straw. I was awake over half the night coughing my lungs out. So, I promptly called the Dr. first thing this morning. He listened to my chest, took the blood pressure, and poked around a bit. Then he announced the 5 words I have the most disdain for at the doctor's office. "We need a blood test." So, off to lab I went. When it all came back, the verdict was given...drumroll please...pneumonia. I am not totally shocked since I had a bad case of pneumonia that landed me in the hospital for over a week about 5 years ago. The doc told me then that I was very susceptible now and I have to be careful with respitory stress. So, the good doctor gave me some of "the good stuff" and sent me home to get well. I proceeded to sleep most of the afternoon nice. I am again asking for your prayers for a speedy recovery. I start my classes on Monday and don't want to go feeling like a sickie. Thank you, in advance, for lifting me up in your prayers.


Andrea said...

Frances - I'm visiting from Tales from the Scales and am sorry to see that you're sick. I pray and hope that you're feeling better by tomorrow morning. I find that lots of echinacea tea with lemon and honey helps me recover faster. Also - don't forget to sterilize your toothbrush before every use (Listerine?) so you don't keep reinfecting yourself. Congrats on your loss so far and keep up the good work! :-)

Anonymous said...

I've never had pneumonia and I never want to. Keep taking "the good stuff" and hopefully you'll feel better real soon. Thinking of ya

Anonymous said...

YIKES! You're definitely in our thoughts and prayers! We hope you feel better soon!

eileen said...

Oh no- get well soon!