Monday, July 10, 2006

K Love Online

Do you listen to K Love? If you are not familiar with this radio station, it is a national christian radio network. In Nebraska, radio (along with TV) is hard to come by if you rely solely on waves sent through the air. (Trust me, even an antenna is of little help.) Most people rely on cable TV, DSL internet, and XM Satellite Radio. We have Cable and DSL internet. However, we have not yet joined the bandwagon on the XM radio yet. We do, however, love K love radio. We can pick it up near Grand Island and Hastings, and we listen to it when we get a chance to go to Denver, but cannot pick up a signal in Lex. Well, Drew found the link to listen online! It is surprisingly easy, free, and clear! So, if you want to listen...look to the right of our screen. You can click onto the K Love website, click here, or as is always, click on the K LOVE icon. Then on the left, about half way down, it says "Listen Online."
Very Very Cool.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I listened to it the other day. It is nice to have encouraging radio at work. I just wanted to let you know that I had trouble getting it to work on my laptop til I went to I-Tunes and it is listed under radio/religious.
