Monday, June 19, 2006

Fifth Grade Freak-Out!

I (Frances) am making the move from kindergarten to fifth grade next year. I have been teaching in the same classroom, in the same school, for 7 years now. Next year, I will be transferring to another grade level and today I had a FREAK OUT SESSION! I began looking at the materials, curriculum, and the testing and at first, I was okay. As the pages kept turning, I began to question my ability to do this! Crazy thoughts started to parade through my mind such as "Fifth graders are bigger than me!", "Fifth graders have body odor!", and "Fifth graders have to learn mathematical functions!" Then, I realized that a challenge awaits me in August. I am always up for a challenge and I am confident that I'll be okay. Freak-Out session is now over and I can move on.


Anonymous said...

I know that you will be an amazing 5th grade teacher!! :-) Yes, all new things bring about anxiety but go forward with confidence!! You are an awesome, amazing, funny, fun, talented, gifted, action packed teacher. God has given you this talent for a very good reason. I know that HE has great things instore for you this next school year. Those things may come with challenges but you don't have to face them alone!! I look forward to some great 5th grade stories!!

Frances said...

Thanks for your words. I know I am in the best possible position for this move. I have a great staff, a good principal, good friends, a loving husband, and God's blessing. I will be stretched and will grow incredibly. Again, Thank you for you words!